Monday, March 21, 2011

The male species is under attack, and many casualties are occuring right under our noses. Men are being shot down by trials and tragedies of life and left for dead emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Can you find someone you can be open and honest with, who will cover you?

A Son Needs a Dad...

To wrestle with him in the grass.

Questions for a Father (Figure) from a son.

5. What helped you to find the right track?

Monday, March 14, 2011

You can't be successful if you don't know who you are. There's nothing more miserable than a man trying to fit into a part for which he is ill suited. It's like trying to stretch the fabric of someone else's jacket to cover your body- when clearly the garment was designed for and belongs to someone else.

Why a Son Needs a Dad...

4. to teach him to be a gracious winner as well as a gracious loser.

Questions for a Father (Figure) From a Son

4.     What would you do differently?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Son Needs A DAD…

3. to give him someone who can be playful and silly

Questions for a Father (Figure) From a Son

3. Are you happy or disappointed in the way your life has turned out?

The Struggles

In reality, even great men struggle, wise men struggle, and yes, even spiritual men struggle at some point in their lives. Each man has "his own lust," as James puts it. It makes him need God, grace, and friends to support him as he wrestles with everything from lust to laziness.